Friday, July 31, 2009

Using rocks to decorate a landscape

Classy Rocks' landscaping

Decorative Landscaping Rocks By Jake Gorney
One of the best ways to add a special touch to your yard and flower beds is by using decorative landscaping rocks. Using these rocks you can achieve a classy look that does not have to cost much. The uses of landscaping rocks are almost endless. You can use them to make borders or rings around trees. The latter can be a great way to keep both animals and people away from tree trunks to prevent damage. Rocks can also be used to make paths in your yard. This way you will not have to walk through the mud when the weather gets rainy. Steps can also be made using rocks as can walls, railings and even seats and tables.

One way to use landscaping rocks is by stacking them around the edges of places where you don't want people to walk. This is not only effective, it also looks great. You can use large stones for this and put them in the ground when the earth is slightly wet. Smaller stones can also be used. These should be stacked on top of each other. You will find that when stacking you will have to dig down into the ground a bit to anchor the bottom stones into the ground.

Doing landscaping with rocks can be quite a bit of work and you should also be careful as it is easy to injure yourself when working with them. Before beginning your work it might be a good idea to do some research online on how to safely handle rocks and how to protect your hands and toes while working. If you will be using very large rocks you will probably need to rent equipment to move them around. This is why it is very important to plan ahead when using big rocks. Once they are in place you will not be able to move them easily.

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