Friday, July 31, 2009

Adding Charm and Character to Residential Landscape

Garden Ornamentals An Accent in a Landscape

Garden ornamentals are used decorate and add charm and character to a residential landscape. Garden ornaments can provide an accent or emphasis in a landscape, drawing attention to a particular direction. The majority of a landscape is filled with plants, trees, flowers and grass. Garden ornamentals provide a great contrast to the living things in the surrounds of your landscape, as they are usually static objects and solid, they provide a different texture to your landscape.

Garden ornamentals very much contribute to the magic and beauty of a landscape. Whether you have a small terrace or a large open backyard, garden ornaments will compliment any landscape design.

Here are just a handful of different types of garden ornamentals that can be implemented in a residential landscape:

Ornamental Plaques
Ornamental plaques are used for decoration as walls within a landscape. This is just one of the many different castings that can be used to decorate bare areas within your landscape. Custom designs can also be accommodated to suit your individual taste. A theme can be created by using ornamental plaques. For the small amount of space they consume, ornamental plaques can make a great impact on a landscape.

This garden ornamental dates back thousands of years. In the past, sundials were used to measure time by the position of the sun. A sundial can be positioned for any surface where a fixed object will cast a predictable shadow. These days, sundials can be used as a feature of a modern landscape. Sundials can come in different designs, but all represent a certain feeling of the old world charm.

Water Features
Water features add elegance and beauty to your landscape and are perfect garden ornamentals. Fountains especially can be implemented as the main focal point in a landscape design. No matter how small or large your landscape is, a water feature can be implemented into any garden. Not only are fountains beautiful to behold, but the sounds are trickling water can be very therapeutic.

Troughs are perfect garden ornamentals for planting flowers that will bright up your landscape. Troughs are very traditional pieces that will give your landscape that old world charm. They can also be used for herb gardens. Troughs are available in a variety of patterns, colors and styles and will add beauty to your outdoor living area.

Bird Baths
Bird baths are a beautiful addition to a landscape. This garden ornamental can stand alone and still look beautiful. Bird baths are designed to attract wild birds and will create a sanctuary with the presence of these beautiful creatures. Birds bath easily be implemented as the main focal point in a landscape.

There is an endless variety of garden ornamentals that can be implemented into a landscape. Depending on individual taste and the theme of your garden, this will assist you in selecting the most appropriate ornamentals for your landscape. Garden ornamentals can range from urns and pottery to large life-size statues, there is no specific criteria.

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